Montag, 27. April 2009


Hi! To keep on RailSimulatorTV-Blog, I was searching deaply on the internet to find some news for RailWorks(RS2). And here they are:


From the official website:  NEW included locomotives:

US class F7, UK Class 37, German class V200.

Also on the official website they announce the release date for Rail Simulator 2:

June 12th 2009

Dienstag, 21. April 2009

Rail Simulator Professional

from Totalize Media: "Totalize Media have worked in partnership with RSDL (Rail Simulator Developments Ltd) to develop a commercial training solution using technology from their consumer games title, Rail Simulator. By further developing and expanding this product, we have created the functionality required for a robust commercial training solution."


Maybe one can see first technologies for RS2 on these screenshots...

Sonntag, 19. April 2009

Rail Simulator TV NOW finally online on YouTube

Today is a great day because I finally designed the new channel on YouTube, so that it's now ready to use! Just have a look on it and be a part of RailSimulatorTV!!
I hope this project is growing up and if you want to support RSTV you can do it by telling other railsim-fans about it...
Best regards!!

Donnerstag, 16. April 2009

Rail Simulator 2 ??

Today I found two videos about Rail Simulator 2, but that's just a dream ;) ...

Mittwoch, 15. April 2009


Welcome to the new RailSimulatorTV-Blog!!
You will find brand new and interesting videos on this blog as well as big news from the new Rail Simulator 2.
Today a video about the latest Addon from RSDL, now